Beyond Belief Business Podcast

The Comparison Game

Episode Summary

In today's episode, we address The Comparison Game: where does it stem from and why do we do it. We'll tackle such things as FEAR of being our authentic selves, JUDGEMENT of ourselves and others, and finally the SCARCITY MINDSET.

Episode Notes

Timecode & Episode Notes: 

0:00 Intro

The Comparison Game:

0:26 Let's get started with the effects of comparison

2:22 FEAR

3:13 Leaks in the boat (credit: Stacey Bahrenfuss)

5:30 Our authentic selves (credit: Ralph Waldo Emerson)


7:22 Imposter Syndrome

9:34 A Father's Wise Counsel

12:00 Observations vs. Judgement (credit: Leslie Santos)


15:24 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (credit: Steven Covey)

16:48 The Abundance Mindset

17:35 RECAP

18:14 "Flaws and All" (credit: Beyonce)

18:48 Closing Thoughts